2024 Calling All Carolers

Thu, Oct 17 2024

Event Details

Type of event: Other
Venue: 1989 Calaveras Boulevard
Milpitas, CA 95035
Description: 2024 Calling All Carolers

Calling all Carolers!
7 Thursdays, Starting October 17 at 7:30pm

Join Bay Area Showcase Chorus in harmony for the holidays! Sing and ring in the season with us. Over seven weeks, guests will learn a cappella versions of holiday classics and new favorites. The program will culminate on December 5th with a Holiday Showcase for your friends and family! 

You’re also invited to perform with BASC throughout the community, celebrate and sing carols at our annual holiday party, and deliver singing holiday cards, spreading joy across the world live over the phone! 

We invite women and girls 12 and up of all backgrounds and singing experience to make music in a friendly and inclusive community. All treble voices, high and low, are welcome!


REGISTER HERE or walk-ins welcome! 
Cost: $10 in advance, $15 at the door - Includes music and learning materials.

Payment Options: PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Cash/Check (at the door)

Mount Olive Ministries 1989 E. Calaveras Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035 info@singharmony.org

Holiday Rehearsal Dates
- 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Thursday, October 17 
Thursday, October 24 

Thursday, October 31 (Costumes welcome!)

Thursday, November 7

Thursday, November 14

Thursday, November 21

No Rehearsal November 28 - Thanksgiving 

Thursday, December 5 - Closing Performance for your Friends and Family!

Optional Performance Opportunities - sing at any or all!
Singing Holiday Cards - Saturday, December 7 (morning & afternoon sessions)
Mountain View Tree Lighting Ceremony - Monday, December 9
BASC Holiday Party - Thursday, December 12
Have questions? We’d love to connect! Email Julie at director@singharmony.org and we will answer your questions, get to know you, and let you know what to expect when you arrive.

About BASC: Bay Area Showcase Chorus is a vibrant, award winning barbershop chorus and chapter of Sweet Adelines International. We educate and empower women to excel in singing 4-part harmony in the barbershop style.