Caroling in Ashland

Caroling in Ashland
Type of post: CNews
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Pamela Lee
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, Dec 8 2024
What a way to start the holiday season! Twelve of us went caroling for 2 hours on Sunday in Ashland for the Festival of Light sponsored by the Ashland Chamber of Commerce. We had so much fun singing on the street and inside some of the businesses. We even sang our two most difficult holiday songs that we had learned for our Fall Show! Bill was in California so we were on our own with a director, but sang really well. Lots of smiles from shoppers and passing cars and even a cute puppy in a pickup outside our final singing stop! The first leg down main street was downhill, so Jean and Kathy helped pull Rose along in her walker on the uphill leg! We gave joy and received joy which made the day wonderful. Afterwards we had a meal at Heroes Subs where the onion rings were superb as usual (yum!).
Next Saturday we have sing-outs with the men of Rogue Voices at 5 Medford retirement communities, followed by a holiday party at Applebees.